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Wed Dec 4th, 2024 @ 12:54am

Lieutenant Commander Subak Ren

Name Subak Ren

Position Chief Operations Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Vulcan/Bajoran
Age 49

Physical Appearance

Height 5'11"
Weight 190
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Green
Physical Description Before you stands a man of confused heritage. He is humanoid, to be sure, but beyond that, things get complicated. With a saturnine face, copper complexion, upturned eyebrows, and pointed ears, the Vulcan in him is rather obvious. However, the Bajoran half of him is as plain as the ridged nose on his face. Unusual for a Bajoran, he wears no d'ja pagh on his ear; unusual for a Vulcan, he wears a full goatee and is sometimes seen laughing or showing anger. He is dressed in a Starfleet uniform, trimmed in command red, with a phaser at his hip to signify his position as a security officer. He gives the impression of a man in his thirties, though apparent age for a Vulcan is often misleading.


Spouse none
Children none
Father Subak of Vulcan (deceased)
Mother Ren Kelah of Bajor (deceased)
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family Grandfather, Senek of Vulcan (somehow still alive)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Likes: Peace and quiet, strong raktajino, string music, watching the stars.

Dislikes: Curious people, children, curious children.
Strengths & Weaknesses Highly proficient in hand-to-hand and armed combat, skilled in both tactics and engineering. Typical Vulcan instinct, though not with the rigorous training of the Vulcan Science Academy. Very good at letting people make bad assumptions about him. Very bad at dealing with children and bothersome people.
Ambitions Get a good command post, maybe something like a chief security or operations officer, maybe even first officer...not really interested in being a captain, though he wouldn't decline it if he ever makes it that far. Retire to a nice planet with a pleasant climate, maybe even raise a family eventually.
Hobbies & Interests Strategy games, historical novels, badminton (very few people are allowed to know this)

Personal History Ren Subak was raised under the harsh rule of Cardassia for the first sixteen years of his life. His father, Subak, was a Vulcan explorer who, along with his father, Senek, became stranded on Bajor in the year 2351, during the Cardassian occupation. His mother was Ren Kelah, a freedom fighter in the Bajoran resistance who was one of those who found and rescued the shipwrecked Vulcans. Their marriage was short-lived, as Subak died in a freak accident before their son was born; Kelah gave the child his father's name in his memory. Ren Kelah herself was killed during a raid on a Cardassian prison when her son was but ten years old; immediately thereafter, his grandfather took him into hiding, withdrawing from Bajoran society and living in seclusion for the most part. When the Cardassians withdrew and the Federation took possession of Terok Nor, Senek fled with his grandson, taking the logical step of returning to Vulcan.

The younger Subak had little wish to adopt the customs of the Vulcans; his grandfather, sensing that it would be illogical and likely unsuccessful to seek to force the Vulcan ways upon him, gave him instead the option of entering the Starfleet academy. Of course he hoped that life experience would give his son the perspective to guide him back to the ways of logic, but the choice would be the Ren Subak's to make. He took the opportunity eagerly, wanting to make more of his life than either Bajor or Vulcan could provide.

Changing his name to the more usual order of family name second, Subak Ren eventually graduated from the Academy and began a career in Starfleet as a security officer.
Service Record Graduated Starfleet Academy 2374, immediately had to serve in the ongoing Dominion War through 2375. Several posts on various starships/space stations.

Operations Officer, USS Braddock, 2374-2377
Promoted to Lieutenant Junior Grade 2375
Security Officer, Deep Space 3, 2377-2380
Security Officer, USS T'Pell, 2380-2381
Operations Officer, Delta Outpost 7, 2381-2386
Operations Officer, USS Gilgamesh, 2386-2392
Promoted to Lieutenant 2390
Security Officer, Starbase 227, 2392-2398
Chief Security Officer, USS Warshaw, 2398-2402
Promoted to Lt. Commander 2399
Chief Operations Officer, USS Kepler, 2402-