Senior Chief Petty Officer Quinlan Quirke

Name Quinlan Quigley Quirke

Position Transporter Chief

Rank Senior Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Age 75

Physical Appearance

Height 185cm
Weight 89kb
Hair Color white
Eye Color blue
Physical Description QQQ's is a devilishly handsome man with thick white hair and a stylized mustache and beard. He is often seen with a smile and a mischievous gleam in his eye.


Spouse Naomi
Children Piotr, James, Noah, Paloma, Victoria, Grace, Hope, Joy, Hannah, Zoe
Father Quincey
Mother Tallulah
Other Family numerous grandchildren

Personality & Traits

General Overview A bit of a rogue and a scoundrel, Quinlan is a man who has lived life to its utmost. He is loyal to a fault...except perhaps to his numerous wives.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Very good at his job

-Incorrigible rascal
Ambitions Absolutely none
Hobbies & Interests Gambling, carousing, womanizing

Personal History Quinlan was not the sort to join Starfleet: too many rules for a man like him. But he was on the run from some very unpleasant people and he slipped into the recruiting office where the officer in charge proved very, very persuasive to the young man. Before he knew it Quinlan was learning a trade.

What shocked everyone was just how good he was at it.

Quinlan went up and down the ranks on an almost regular basis. He would impress his superiors, receive a promotion, then show his ass and drop down again. How he retired a chief even he didn't know. But retire he did and he did what many retired chiefs do and that was open a bar. To his mild horror running a bar was terminally dull so when Starfleet reactivated him he leaped at the chance to go into space again.
Service Record Numerous ships, stations and ground assignments