Ensign Khley'bar

Name Khley'bar

Position Engineering Officer

Rank Ensign

Character Information

Gender Female
Species 1/4 Klingon, 3/4 Human
Age 26

Physical Appearance

Height 181cm
Weight 70kg
Hair Color black
Eye Color brown
Physical Description Khley'bar is an imposing women with brown skin with an often stern expression that in intimate moments with friends can soften. She has even been known to smile once or twice a year.


Mother K'mpick

Personality & Traits

General Overview Khley'bar is a woman driven by duty and excellence, a need to succeed regardless of the task. This can make her sometimes seem a bit too "goal oriented" to the point where it can alienate those around her. However there is a seldom seen "softer" side she reserves only for her closest friends, a very rare circle.
Strengths & Weaknesses +Strives to excel at any task

-Impatient with "fools"
Ambitions Khley'bar is out to prove her Mother wrong, to show she has value in this universe. This is by being a top notch Starfleet officer.
Hobbies & Interests Has an extensive collection of unicorn figurines she keeps hidden in her foot locker.

Personal History Khley'bar had the misfortune of being born in the wrong place, in the wrong time, to the wrong parents. Her mother had an affair with a human and being half human herself had given birth to what her father had viewed as an "ugly" child. To maintain her tenuous position in her house Khley'bar's mother gave her daughter up for adoption.

Khley'bar's short temper had gotten her in trouble growing up and it took some time to master it. She did not make friends easily and at the earliest opportunity she joined Starfleet as a crewman in order to leave Earth and the bad memories of her time in various foster families behind. She found she worked well with machines; machines did not try to make friends with her, or argue with her. Machines either worked, or they didn't. But despite herself she did form bonds.

In the wake of the Borg assimilation Starfleet put out feelers to personnel to see if any might want to "go mustang", to become officers. Khley'bar's superiors pointed out her qualities of always striving to be better at her job and suggested this might be a worthy challenge for her. After a year at the Academy through an accelerated program she graduated an ensign.