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Wed Dec 4th, 2024 @ 12:54am

Captain Aisling Banerjee

Name Aisling Banerjee

Position Commanding Officer

Rank Captain

Character Information

Gender Female
Species Human
Age 35

Physical Appearance

Height 153 cm
Weight 44 kg
Hair Color brown
Eye Color green
Physical Description Aisling is an attractive woman whose skin ranges from gold to a light brown depending upon how much sun she receives. Her thick hair is often worn in a bun and possesses captivating eyes. She possesses and athletic, almost wiry frame and almost vibrates with barely suppressed energy.


Father Ronan Canavan
Mother Chandani Banerjee
Brother(s) Family: (sister), (mother), (father) (uncle)
Sister(s) Anjali
Other Family Nolan Canavan (uncle), Indira (niece), Leya (niece), Nayanthara (niece), Qiyara (niece)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Aisling is a person who positively vibrates with energy and enthusiasm. She constantly needs mental stimulation and if she is not solving interpersonal problems on board ship or working out tricky tactical stratagems provided by Starfleet, she is writing, whether it is a new novel or a paper regarding how best to improve interplanetary logistics. She is a highly personable person, a trait some superiors feel she needs to temper.

Aisling sees her role as captain as a teacher as well as a leader, helping to shape the next generation of Starfleet officer. She is always more than happy to help a crew member “go mustang” and join the Academy if they show both talent and ambition.
Strengths & Weaknesses Aisling’s biggest strength is her organizational and leadership skills which she exhibited during her Academy days. She is a talented strategist (although she feels she falls far short of the legends) and although she will admit it to no one she would love to create the “Banerjee Maneuver”. Her open and friendly manner are considered strengths when it comes to negotiation and first contact situations

Aisling has always been mediocre at best in most sciences. And her open and friendly manner means it is difficult for her to bluff her way through situations as she is quite easy to read.
Ambitions Aisling aspires to someday become and Admiral but she is in no particular hurry to get there. There’s a huge universe out there to see and she can experience it sitting behind an Admiral’s desk.
Hobbies & Interests Aisling is a voracious reader and as a result possesses an eclectic knowledge on a wide range of subjects, from the history of the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to the mating habits of the Mugato. Much of this is due to her performing extensive research for her principle hobby: writing. Aisling has written numerous works of fiction, mostly in the mystery/adventure genres and often taking place in earlier eras. Most of her works involve humans but one of her earlier novels, The Caves of Blood, takes place on Andor.

Aisling acquired extensive fencing skills when she researched her romance/adventure novel Love’s Eternal Champion, about a French Musketeer who is treacherously slain and whose life force returns in modern times to protect the woman he loved who had also been reincarnated. It was one of her first works and she is tremendously embarrassed by it, but nevertheless she learned a great deal about the schools of Earth fencing and handles a blade rather well and spends a few hours every week practicings. Otherwise her combat skills and marksmanship with the phaser are mediocre at best: if pressed she will instantly got for vitals and eyes, screaming all the way.

Aisling is a middling poker player due in large both to her horrible poker face and her difficulty in calculating odds, but she excels at Bridge, Rummy,Gin Rummy, Euchre, Hearts, and Cribbage. She learned Whist for a book she never quite finished, but never actually had an opportunity to play it with anyone. She is a skilled Backgammon player and is utterly ruthless at Parcheesi; when sending someone home she will viciously whip their piece across the room, a habit she picked up from playing with her family.

Aisling sees the holodeck not as a source of recreation, at least not for herself. She recognizes the therapeutic value of simulating a planetary environment for psychological reasons or as a training tool for combat simulations or harsh environment training, but she would much rather read a book or play a friendly game of cards or graciously lose a chess game.

Personal History Ever since she had been a little girl Aisling was raised on stories of derring-do from her uncle who had served as a crewman on Starfleet vessels, especially his stories of conflicts with the Cardassians and later the Dominion. A young girl with a fertile imagination, she joined Starfleet and despite barely squeaking with poor scores she proved to be someone who got by through sheer determination. Her instructors were impressed by her drive as well as her early organizational and leadership skills and when confronted with tactical problems often came up with creative results. She truly caught the notice of her instructors when she created the “tutoring pool” where she skillfully paired up cadets struggling in some subjects with people willing to help in exchange for help in other subjects. She had worked out extensive spread sheets and schedules and even talked four cadets into toughing it out rather than quitting (All four graduated, one became an executive officer). Her solution for the Kobayshi Maru was to ram the lead ship and in the chaos use tractor beams from her shuttles to drag the escape pods free. It did not work but her attempt to “Hadenbeer” her way to victory was novel and caused her tactical instructors to truly take notice. Her slight build made her a poor choice for security and she was gently nudged into more technical fields where if she did not exactly excel she proved to be competent in. Her first true adventure was when she was a fourth year cadet when on a training cruise she managed to save the life of one of her classmates when he was accused of murdering a merchant on a space station and the authorities were quite happy to pin it on him. Through deductive reasoning and with the help of several officers in different departments whom she persuaded to aid her in her investigation she figured out the murder was in fact an elaborate suicide designed to incriminate the station's chief of security and when the woman figured out the plot but could not prove it was a suicide she was more than eager to find a patsy. The rescue of Aisling’s friend earned her a commendation. This was the first of many adventures Aisling enjoyed. It was not that she was looking for trouble: it just seemed it found her.

Aisling was not looking for command, at least at first, but over time she found she had quite the knack for it. Her first command was the USS Cygni, a Nova class vessel. What should have been simple surveying missions often turned into a series of (mis)adventures where Banerjee had to come up with creative solutions to compensate for her vessel's slow speed and modest armament. After her first year she was promoted to full captain, and near the end of her third she was given a unique offer to command a new vessel, one with a very special crew member…
Service Record 2381-2384: Starfleet Academy
2385: Ensign, USS Wyvern
2386-2388: lieutenant jg, USS Wyvern Helm, stints in Operations, Engineering, Tactical
2389-2393: lieutenant, USS Titania, Operations Officer
2394: USS Siberia, lieutenant Chief Operations Officer
2395-2396: USS Siberia, lieutenant Commander, Chief Operations Officer
2397-2398: USS Siberia, lieutenant Commander, Executive officer
2399: USS Siberia, Commander, Executive Officer
2400-2402: Commanding Officer, USS Cygni
2402: Commanding Officer, USS Kepler