Chief Petty Officer Colin Meaney

Name Colin Meaney

Position Transporter Chief

Rank Chief Petty Officer

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 72

Physical Appearance

Height 180cm
Weight 88 kg
Hair Color white
Eye Color green
Physical Description Colin is best described as "scruffy", a man who is just on this side of acceptable in appearance by Starfleet standards. He possesses a sly grin that suggests he is up to something.


Spouse Maeve (wife)
Children Erin (daughter), Fallon (grand daughter)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Colin Meaney is a man who some might call a "mixer", the sort that is always getting in trouble. In the past he was often found in the middle of some some scam or was running a still hidden on some deck producing some illicit substance. For him it didn't even seem like it was about a profit; it just seemed fun to flaunt authority. However when it comes to his job there are few if any more dedicated to providing the highest level of excellence.
Strengths & Weaknesses +As even tempered a human as one could find

-Unrepentant criminal behavior
Ambitions To not get caught. Or if he does get caught, to talk his way out of it. Or if he can't talk his way out of it, get away with as little punishment as possible.
Hobbies & Interests Games of chance.

Personal History Colin Meaney had always been one step ahead of the law in his youth. Joining Starfleet had been more a matter of staying one step ahead of the authorities and other criminals than any sense of adventure. And yet when he did sign on he found he rather liked the life. He got to see other worlds, his crew mates might have been dull but they weren't trying to knife him in the back, and soon he developed a reputation as, if not a man of strong moral character, one that could be relied on in a pinch. Promotions and demotions occurred with depressing regularity and when he finally retired it was with a sigh of collective relief from his superiors. One hoped the love of a good woman might keep Meaney on the straight and narrow, but Maeve despite her efforts could barely keep the man on the straight and narrow as they operated their merchant marine vessel. When he was called up for service again rumor had it Maeve sighed with relieve herself.