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Sat Nov 23rd, 2024 @ 8:41pm

Lieutenant Commander Dar'Kulthislian th'Voluthrianshain

Name Dar'Kulthislian th'Voluthrianshain

Position Chief Tactical Officer

Rank Lieutenant Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Andorian
Age 40

Physical Appearance

Height 6'2"
Weight 210
Hair Color White
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Dar'Kulthislian is a tall and muscular Andorian. His skin is blue and he has a pair of antennae on the top of his head. His hair is cut short in a military fashion.


Spouse none
Children none
Father He has two fathers
Mother He has two mothers
Brother(s) none
Sister(s) none
Other Family none

Personality & Traits

General Overview Dar'Kulthislian is the more male of the 4 Andorian sexes. He is tall and muscular and he carries himself with a military demeanor. He is very serious and completely dedicated to his career. Being a tactical officer is his life.
Strengths & Weaknesses Dar'Kulthislian's greatest strength is his dependability. He lives for his career and it is the greatest source of his joy and pride. He works tirelessly to be the best officier he can and to make sure his department runs as efficiently and smoothly as possible.

Dar'Kulthislian's weaknesses are in part due to his Andorian upbringing. He can be both suspicuous and quick to anger. He despised those who he deems lazy. His natural inclination to turn to violence is something that he must control.
Ambitions Dar'Kulthislian would like to advance to the position of captain and command his own starship. On a more personal level, he would like to find a mate and have a family. He is well aware of the rapidly declining Andorian population and he wants to find a non Andorian mate to have multiple children with.
Hobbies & Interests Dar'Kulthislian's main interests stem form them his work. He thinks about photons, phasers and deflections in his sleep. Outside of his work he devoted himself to martial training, keeping his body and his mind focused. He desires to be ready for any action when the time calls.

Personal History Dar'Kulthislian was born to his four parents. Andorian children are increasingly rare and he grew up with few peers. He was rasied in Andorian fashion, a strict military society. Dar'Kulthislian learned his place early and worked hard. He excelled in his studies and was offered a place in the Imperial Academy. In a move that surprised his parents he turned down the Imperial offer and instead joined the Star Fleet Academy. His desire was to serve outside of Andorian command and to instead be on a mixed race Federation Starship.
Service Record Dar'Kulthislian's has been exemplary. His file contains multiple notes of distinction and merit for his bravery and service in action.

More recently there have been several notes of misconduct stemming from a volatile relationship with the Chief of Engineering. After the latest agruement Dar'Kulthislian demanded that he and the Chief settle their differences with a duel to appease honor. His Captain and Star Fleet Command, have decided to transfer Dar'Kulthislian' rather than waste his potential over the issue.