AI Elle

Name Elle

Position AI

Rank AI

Character Information

Gender Female
Age 23

Physical Appearance

Physical Description Elle often appears as an attractive young woman with thick auburn hair and hazel eyes. While she can create holographic representations where she appears in civilian clothing she most often will adopt a form wearing a Starfleet uniform, with the rank and department color changing depending upon her mood.


Personality & Traits

General Overview Elle is an intelligent, personable being who enjoys interacting with sentients of all backgrounds. She possesses a sometimes inappropriate sense of humor and even though she has been in existence for 23 years she still reluctantly acknowledges she has a long way to go in regards to maturing.
Strengths & Weaknesses Elle is loyal almost to a fault. She is also prone to hold grudges.
Ambitions Elle wishes to see the galaxy and other realities as well as interact with as many sentient beings as possible.
Hobbies & Interests Elle is a writer of 423 books (the first 418 were to her mind utterly horrid and no one will ever read them. Even she has locked them away from active memory). She enjoys playing with others on the holodeck, especially adventure simulations. She has taken an interest in board games, finding them an excellent way to socialize with others.

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