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Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 12:17am

Commander Maxwell Fitzroy

Name Maxwell Alexander Fitzroy

Position Executive Officer

Rank Commander

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Human
Age 33

Physical Appearance

Height 1.88 M
Weight 90Kg
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Blue
Physical Description Commander Max Fitzroy tall at 188 centimeters with a broad-shouldered, athletic build that speaks to his rigorous Starfleet training and active duty. Weighing approximately 88 kilograms, he has a strong, chiseled jawline and piercing blue eyes that convey both determination and warmth. His short, dark brown hair is neatly kept, and he often has a few strands that fall onto his forehead, adding a touch of rugged charm. Ethan's complexion is fair, with a few faint scars on his hands and forearms, telling stories of past missions and encounters. He carries himself with a confident and authoritative demeanor, yet his approachable smile and sincere demeanor make him well-liked and respected among the crew.


Father Ambassador Ethan Fitzroy II (Deceased)
Mother Admiral Lousia Hayes-Fitzroy (Deceased)
Brother(s) Lt. Commander Ethan Fitzroy III
Sister(s) Lyra, (Adopted Orian Sister)
M'Raan (Adopted Caitian Sister)

Personality & Traits

General Overview Commander Fitzroys is a well-rounded and charismatic leader with a dynamic personality that blends confidence, warmth, and determination. He is known for his strong sense of duty and unwavering commitment to Starfleet principles, which he upholds with both authority and empathy.

Max's leadership style is approachable and inclusive, making him well-respected and admired by his crew. He has a natural ability to inspire and motivate others, often leading by example and always being ready to lend a helping hand. His strategic mind and tactical brilliance are evident in his decision-making, especially during high-pressure situations where his calm demeanor and clear-headedness shine.

Despite his authoritative presence, Max is personable and genuinely cares about the well-being of those around him. His ability to connect with his crew on a personal level fosters a sense of camaraderie and trust. His approachable smile and sincere nature make him easy to talk to, whether for professional advice or personal matters.
Strengths & Weaknesses Charismatic Leadership: Ethan's dynamic personality and servant leadership approach make him a natural leader who inspires and motivates his crew. His charisma helps in building strong relationships and fostering loyalty.

Empathy and Caring Nature: His genuine concern for the well-being of those around him allows him to connect deeply with his crew. This empathy builds trust and ensures a supportive and harmonious environment on the ship.

Cultural Adaptability: Growing up on multiple worlds due to his father's diplomatic assignments, and his close relationship with his adopted siblings, M'Raan and Lyra, has given Ethan a deep understanding and appreciation of different cultures. This adaptability is invaluable in dealing with a multispecies crew.

Strategic Mindset: His experience in Starfleet Intelligence has honed his ability to think strategically and make well-informed decisions under pressure. He can anticipate potential threats and opportunities, enhancing the ship's operational effectiveness.

Strong Sense of Duty: Ethan's unwavering commitment to Starfleet principles and his strong sense of duty ensure that he consistently upholds the highest standards of professionalism and integrity. This reliability makes him a trusted and respected figure among his peers and subordinates.


Questionable Ethical Boundaries: His background in Starfleet Intelligence raises concerns about how far he is willing to go to achieve his objectives. This ambiguity can lead to mistrust or unease among those who question his ethical boundaries.

Overprotectiveness: Ethan's deep care for his crew and adopted siblings can sometimes make him overprotective. This may lead to conflicts when others feel that he is not allowing them to take necessary risks or grow independently.

Workaholic Tendencies: His strong sense of duty and commitment to his role can sometimes result in him overworking and neglecting his own well-being. This can lead to burnout and affect his ability to perform at his best.

Difficulty Delegating: Ethan's inclination to lead by example and take on responsibilities himself can make it challenging for him to delegate tasks effectively. This can hinder the development of his crew's skills and autonomy.

Emotional Vulnerability: His strong personal connections and empathetic nature can sometimes make him emotionally vulnerable. This sensitivity can be a double-edged sword, affecting his decision-making in emotionally charged situations.

Ambitions To match his Mother and Father's accomplishments in Starfleet
Hobbies & Interests He is a published Holo Novel Author (focused on invigorating 20th and 21st century intellectual properties), Interspecies cooking and interspecies fusion cooking, and he was in a Klingon Rock Band in the Acadamy

Personal History Commander Max Ftzroy was born into a life of interstellar diplomacy, the son of Ambassador Jonathan Hayes, a renowned Starfleet diplomat. His father's assignments took the family to various key locations across the galaxy, profoundly shaping Ethan's outlook and abilities. Ethan spent his formative years on the Caitian homeworld, the capital of the Orion Traders, the Klingon homeworld, Cardassia Prime, and Trill, each location leaving an indelible mark on his character and cultural understanding.
Education and Starfleet Career

Following in his father's distinguished footsteps, Max enrolled in Starfleet Academy with a focus on command and strategic operations. His exceptional aptitude for strategy and leadership quickly set him apart. Upon graduation, he was recruited into Starfleet Intelligence, where he served with distinction. His intelligence work provided him with invaluable insights into tactical operations and covert missions, although it also led to lingering questions about the lengths he would go to achieve mission objectives.
Personal Life and Relationships

Max’s family extended beyond biological ties when his parents adopted M'Raan, a Caitian, and Lyra, an Orion, during their diplomatic missions. This unique family dynamic enriched Ethan's understanding of diverse cultures and species, making him adept at navigating the complexities of a multispecies crew.

Growing up alongside M'Raan and Lyra, Ethan developed a strong protective instinct and a deep sense of empathy. These qualities, combined with his diplomatic upbringing on worlds like the Klingon homeworld and Cardassia Prime, where resilience and adaptability are key, honed his ability to handle diverse and challenging situations with grace and understanding.
Service Record Star Fleet Intelligence,
Tactical officer USS Unicorn
Security officer Arden Station
Chief Tactical officer USS Sharpe
Chief Security officer USS Venture
Chief of Operations USS Roger Young
Executive officer USS Horizon
Executive officer USS Kepler