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Mon Aug 5th, 2024 @ 12:17am

Lieutenant JG Dorian Duranik

Name Dorian "Duke" Duranik

Position Chief Flight Control Officer

Rank Lieutenant JG

Character Information

Gender Male
Species Orion
Age 30

Physical Appearance

Height 2 meters
Weight 90 KG
Hair Color Black
Eye Color Silver
Physical Description "Duke" is an attractive Orion male whose hair is kept barely within Starfleet regulation


Other Family Raised by a group of "Uncles" who where mid level Orion criminals in different divisions

Personality & Traits

General Overview Personality:
Resourceful: Duke is resourceful and quick-witted, often finding unconventional solutions to problems.
Loyal: Despite his upbringing, Duke is fiercely loyal to his Starfleet comrades and the ideals they represent.
Adaptable: He adapts well to new environments and can interact effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.


Expert Pilot: Duke is highly skilled in piloting various spacecraft, from shuttles to starships, with exceptional reflexes and spatial awareness honed through navigating risky maneuvers in both criminal syndicate and military operations.
Ship Maintenance: Growing up around Orion ships, Duke became adept at repairing and maintaining spacecraft, both standard Starfleet technology and the unconventional modifications found in Orion vessels.
Criminal Insight: Duke possesses a deep understanding of criminal organizations, their codes, and operations. This knowledge proves invaluable in undercover operations, negotiations with dubious characters, and understanding adversary motives.
Highly Perceptive: Duke's intelligence training has honed his perceptiveness, allowing him to notice subtle details and anticipate actions, enhancing his effectiveness in various operational environments.
Adaptability: He adjusts well to new environments and interacts effectively with individuals from diverse backgrounds.
Combat Skills and Intelligence Training:
Trained in combat skills tailored to mimic the groups he infiltrates, Duke is adept at blending in and adapting to diverse environments. His intelligence training enhances his ability to perceive subtle cues and anticipate adversaries' moves, making him a valuable asset in both covert operations and direct confrontations.
Strengths & Weaknesses Thinks outside of the box. Very skills and making something works. Can often be at the edge of breaking the rules. Feels that much of the SF system is too rule in the box oriented.

Criminal Insight: Duke has a deep understanding of criminal organizations, their codes, and their operations. This knowledge proves invaluable in undercover operations, negotiations with dubious characters, and understanding the motives of adversaries.

Philosophical Conflict: Duke's upbringing in Orion society instilled in him a belief that "might is right" and that the strong prevail over the weak. This clashes with Starfleet's principles of justice, compassion, and adherence to regulations, causing him inner turmoil and occasionally influencing his decision-making.

Recklessness: Duke's tendency towards bold and sometimes risky actions can occasionally put himself and others in jeopardy. His willingness to take unauthorized actions, while often successful, has also led to disciplinary issues in his career.

Trust Issues: Due to his upbringing surrounded by criminal activities, Duke finds it challenging to trust easily, especially when dealing with individuals whose motives may be ambiguous or hidden.

Authority Issues: Duke has a history of clashing with authority figures when he feels their orders are overly restrictive or when he believes his own methods are more effective. This rebellious streak has at times strained his relationships within Starfleet command structures.

Emotional Resilience: Despite his outward bravado and confidence, Duke struggles internally with guilt over his criminal past and doubts about his place in Starfleet. This emotional burden can sometimes affect his decision-making under pressure.
Ambitions To grow and explore. Duke enjoys not living day to day, and wishes to expand what he knows of the universe.
Hobbies & Interests Everything fast loves new world with different vehicles.

Various hand to hand forms that focus on improvised objects, and techniques.

Ship building designs and improvements. Not classic SF. If you took these Klingon parts and add to this ship...

Personal History Dorian "Duke" Duranik was born in space aboard an Orion ship and raised by his "uncles," who were mid-level Orion criminals involved in smuggling and other illicit activities. His upbringing immersed him in the criminal underworld of Orion society, where he learned piloting and ship maintenance skills from a young age.

At the age of 16 and a half, Duke was arrested by Starfleet for his involvement in criminal activities. Recognizing his potential, Starfleet offered him a chance at rehabilitation instead of punishment. Duke successfully underwent rehabilitation and demonstrated exceptional skills during his time under Starfleet's supervision.

Service Record Starfleet Intelligence
After being rehabilitated, Duke briefly served in Starfleet Intelligence under deep cover operations, utilizing his knowledge of criminal networks to gather valuable intelligence. His cover was blown after several years, leading to a reassessment of his career path

Academy Training and Early Assignments
Following his stint in Intelligence, Duke enrolled in Starfleet Academy at a later age than most cadets. Despite his unconventional background, he excelled in pilot training and graduated with commendations. His reputation for bold, sometimes controversial actions began early in his career.

Military Operations and Troop Transport Pilot:
Duke's career path took him into military operations where he specialized as a troop transport pilot. Assigned to volatile sectors, he played a critical role in deploying and extracting ground forces under hostile conditions. His piloting skills and tactical acumen were instrumental in executing precision maneuvers amidst combat zones, earning him a reputation for reliability and daring in the face of adversity.

Disciplinary Action and Redemption:
During a critical mission, Duke took unauthorized action to rescue stranded troops from a hostile planet, commandeering a transport against orders. Though successful, this act of insubordination led to disciplinary action, resulting in a temporary demotion. Duke had to work hard to regain his rank, earning a reputation as a maverick who gets results but challenges authority.

Current Assignment:
At the age of 30, Duke is currently serving as a Lieutenant Junior Grade aboard the USS Kempler, a Nova-class starship on the frontier of Federation space. His role involves piloting duties, ship maintenance oversight, and providing insights into criminal activities encountered during missions. Duke's experience and unorthodox methods make him a valuable asset in navigating complex and sometimes dangerous frontier situations.