
Star Trek, Kepler, is rated 2-2-2, which is more or less PG-13 if you are unfamiliar with the 3/3 number system. Essentially when it comes to violence we try not to be too graphic. Sexual content would contain a little physical content but anything more would fade to black and left up to your imaginations. In terms of swearing try to keep it to a minimum: they might drop f-bombs in Picard but not here. Age level is 16+

Star Trek, Kepler follows the rules of Sim Central (game related rules to follow below those):

Sim Central intends to be a safe place where Black, Brown, and all LGBTQ+ persons can feel included. We recognize that eliminating these "Isms'' in our society is a process that can't be fixed with a snap of a finger.

Engaging in out-of-character prejudice or unsolicited innuendo towards server members, either directly or indirectly, will not be tolerated. At the same time, we will approach any offender with understanding and allow them restorative justice to those they offended.

Willful, repetitive, or blatantly offensive actions towards Sim Central members, human or artificial, will result in the moderators asking the offender to leave or direct removal. Up until then, we would be happier to talk and help foster understanding with diverse groups.

Please come into this community with your best intentions toward those different than you.

Keep Drama Out. While we hope to create a community we recognize that it's possible not everyone is going to get along. If you have a beef with a member, keep it off the public Discord. If you are having issues with bullying or intimidation from another member, contact a moderator immediately!

Mature language and swearing is permitted with some limitations (nothing excessive or inflammatory toward minorities etc).

To ensure transparency and a positive community environment community members may only have one Discord account associated with Sim Central. Should an account be subject to an unrecoverable password or hacking incident a new account can be created and the old account removed by the moderation team. Any attempt at ban evasion will be met with a permanent ban of all accounts and a report made to the Discord Safety Team.

As for game play rules, players are expected to respond to posts in a timely manner. If you are unable to post that's okay; we realize real life sometimes gets in the way. We only ask that you flag the GM and let them know there will be a delay. An extended delay may result in your player being temporarily NPCed but hopefully that will be an uncommon occurrence and if it does happen expect the PC to be treated in a respectful manner (So no illicit romances, no heroic suicidal last stands. Just minimal posting to keep the game momentum going.). Which brings us to...

Only post for your own character. Posting for NPCs is permitted within reason. Said "reason" being what I hope is a modicum of common sense. So no saving the ship single handed. This is a collaborative game. Even James T. Kirk needed a crew to save the day. Heck, and he needed saving himself a time or two.

Have fun. If you aren't having fun don't go radio silent, don't shut down. Talk to the GM and perhaps it is an issue that can be resolved. You went through all that trouble to make a character, don't let it go to waste.