Deck Listing

USS Kepler, NCC 30587-B(With thanks to Bravo Fleet, Memory Alpha and

The Sagan-class light explorer is a cutting-edge exploratory vessel designed designed in the later years of the 24th century for missions outside of Federation space. By 2401, the first ship in the class, the USS Stargazer, had already received an NCC commission, and was the first of a new class of ship to utilize components derived from research on the Borg cube Artifact that was found in the Beta Quadrant.

These ships have well-stocked science labs in both generalist and specialist configurations equal to the labs found aboard larger explorers, other than her lack of ability to take on large numbers of visiting scientists performing independent research. Borg enhancements to her sensors make the Sagan adept at mapping large areas of space with far more precision than most other ships. She is also capable of manufacturing a wide variety of probes, thanks to onboard industrial replicators.

Sagan-class starships regularly conduct first-contact missions, due to the nature of their long-distance missions. Their diplomatic facilities are adequate but not luxurious. These ships are equipped with the latest standard of universal translator, which uses advanced bioneural processing to make quick work of new languages. There are a limited number of guest quarters and conference rooms available, but they can be configured to any M, L, or K-class environment.

In regards to Engineering, Sagan-class ships are among the most advanced in Starfleet, as they are the first in the fleet to deploy a number of Borg-derived systems. Because of this, their internal workings are quite complex. Dual warp cores feed four nacelles in a system which can either be separated so that one core powers one pair of nacelles or integrated to allow for maximal power flow. The ship’s four warp field governors allow for sustained cruises at incredibly high speeds. Enhancements in shield technology allow the ship to have a relatively small deflector but improved performance over older models.

Optimized for long flights at high warp, the Sagan’s sublight maneuverability is adequate but not spectacular. They must rely on targeting threats and engaging them at extreme range, to ensure that their more comprehensive forward weapons are kept trained on their targets.

As with other starships of its generation, the Sagan is a sleek, highly advanced starship inside and out. Its corridors are clad in polished metal rather than the carpet of older ships. Crew quarters are more compact and have fewer windows than the explorers built in earlier decades. This is meant to optimize the ablative armor on the hull. Most of the crew does have their own room, at the expense of only the most senior officers having the expansive apartment-style quarters found on older ships. While fewer individual crew quarters have windows, there are many large lounges, nine on the deck at the edge of the saucer alone. Holodeck facilities are also state-of-the-art, which provide a good standard of living and recreational opportunities, even with smaller quarters.

Medical facilities are comprehensive but compact—large enough to take care of their crews for long periods, but without extensive secondary wards that might go unused for months or years at a time. When these ships do have to handle humanitarian needs, their cargo bays, shuttle bays, and holodecks are capable of being converted for medical service.

In 2401 fourteen ships of this class were involved in fleet maneuvers to celebrate 250 years since Enterprise NX-01 took her first voyage. They were commandeered after officers under the age of 25 were placed under the influence of the Borg with the help of Jack Crusher.