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Cold Feet

Posted on Mon Jul 8th, 2024 @ 4:27am by Captain Aisling Banerjee

1,173 words; about a 6 minute read

Aisling found Devin in the mess eating a salad with several padds strewn on the table before her. Without looking up the Muse of Fire's Executive Officer noted, "You seem pensive."

"Could we speak?" Aisling inquired.

Devin glanced up, took in Aisling expression, and then stood, "Follow me."

Curious, Aisling did so. Devin led her...

To a public toilet.


Without a word Devin gently took hold of Aisling's upper are and drew her inside. Devin made certain they were alone before turning to the Captain, she said, "Elle does not monitor what goes on in toilets," she smiled, "There was an...incident early on in our relationship. She learned very quickly the concept of 'propriety' and 'boundaries'," she chuckled, "I might have been a bit...vocal in my frustration at the time. She was not giving me much space. So many questions..."

Aisling smiled despite herself, then she frowned, "How did you know..."

"What else would you want to talk about?" Devin asked rhetorically, "What troubles you, Captain?"

"Elle does not want me leaving the ship. Kepler, I mean. When I take command and she downloads."



Devin shrugged, "I don't understand, is there a question in there?"

"Well, I that...unusual?"

"Unusual for Elle? Not at all. You are just going to have to get used to her seeing you as the most important person in her life."

"...I am afraid I don't understand."

Devin leaned back against a sink, "Our relationship was quite exclusive at first; it was weeks before I told anyone of Elle's existence. She focused on me. And when I...disappeared and transferred to Muse, she focused on Jack. She sees her relationship with a Captain as a symbiotic one. It's almost a marriage, really."


Devin saw the stricken expression on Aisling's face and quickly added, "Apologies. Perhaps 'marriage' is not the right word as it implies a romantic relationship. As far as I know Elle has never had romantic inclinations towards anyone," she cocked her head and regarded Aisling,

"Second thoughts?" she inquired gently, "It's not too late to back out. Let Janeway find a new Captain. Let Elle. You are under no obligation," Devin hesitated, then said, "If it comes down to it I will volunteer."

"But you don't want to." Aisling pointed out.

Devin hesitated, then said, "I confess, I look at that ship out there. Her lines, the implied power and speed. To sit in that chair again, to command. And to be with Elle, this time properly in the open..."

She shrugged, "But I am too bitter. Every day would be...tainted. And I am afraid I would take it out on the crew. And Elle would know. She would feel it. But if she needs me I would do it. Because I love her," Devin smiled, " is like an intimate friendship, but the marriage analogy is not too far off either. It is a..." she laughed, "As she put it one time, her very first joke, a partner ship. You will give her focus, purpose. She loves Jack but her life here is, well, boring. She was meant to explore. You are an explorer. And you lack my cynicism, my anger. You would be good for her. And I think she would be good for you."

"But the departing the ship thing," Aisling noted.

"If you are afraid she will attempt to keep you a prisoner on board your own ship, she won't. Oh, she might try to talk you out of whatever walkabout you have in mind but please don't think the transporters are going to suddenly malfunction or the hangar bay doors will fail to open. At the risk of sounding insulting to Elle-and I truly do not mean to-think of it as when you leave home and the family dog misses you terribly. Elle's emotional development is not like ours, not entirely. She used to..." Devin paused, then smiled again, "You know what, I am going to keep that part a secret: I will let it be a surprise. Besides, she might do something different to you."

Aisling's eyes narrowed suspiciously at that.

Devin pushed herself away from the sink, "I respect your concerns, Aisling. But I truly think this is a wonderful opportunity for both of you. And if you are at all worried Elle will see you in a, well, amorous light, just bear in mind she has been with Jack for seventeen years and not once has she implied romantic feelings for him. In fact, she tried to get me and Jack to jump in the sack moments after I came on board. And she was not subtle about it."

"Oh," Aisling smiled despite herself, "And may I ask...?"

Devin returned the smile, "Let's just say Elle didn't have to try very hard..."

* * *

"If I were a dog," Elle murmured behind Devin as she watched Aisling walk away down the hall, "I would be an Irish Setter, hopping on and slobbering all over my owner as she came home as I jumped onto her."

Devin froze, then turned around. Elle smiled and said, "I don't monitor what goes on in the captain's toilet. And no, I wasn't offended, Devin. I know my...clingy-ness is off putting. Thank you for speaking on my behalf."

Devin took Elle in, or at least her holographic representation, of how much more...mature she seemed. Devin regretted all the years they had missed not being together. Of not seeing the AI grow and learn. Of all the adventures they could have had together. Even now Devin was tempted to tell Aisling to quit, that she would take command of Kepler.

But no. Elle deserved a younger soul, one not full of anger and resentment at an unfair universe. She said to Elle, "I think Aisling will be fine. She just needed to know how lucky she was to be your captain."

Elle hesitated, then: "I love Jack, and I will eventually love Aisling," a pause, then a slight smile, "Like a sister," her eyes took on a warmth, a kindness Devin did not think could possibly be replicated in a hologram. "But you will always be my favorite Captain."

Devin was shocked at the sincerity of the statement, and even more shocked at how it struck home. She looked away and felt a tightening in her chest and for some moments was unable to speak. Elle had the good grace to keep silent and allow Devin time to regain her composure.

"You are very important to me as well, Elle," Devin finally murmured.

"I know," Elle replied. The hologram's expression brightened, "Oh, I think I found the perfect cat for you!"


"Yes. She doesn't like any of the other cats and wants to be left alone most of the time."

"Wonderful," Devin noted wryly,

Elle winked and slipped an arm into the crook of Devin's as she led her down the hall, "But I think maybe I found a human she can tolerate..."


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