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Debriefing: Fitzroy

Posted on Sat Jul 6th, 2024 @ 9:43pm by Captain Aisling Banerjee & Commander Maxwell Fitzroy

2,657 words; about a 13 minute read

Mission: Crew Shakedown
Location: Muse of Fire
Timeline: 79450.92

Aisling was beyond nervous as she regarded Kepler on the forward viewscreen. The Muse of Fire was "parked" along side the Sagan class vessel and she was quite certain there was a bit of a buzz going on through the station. A former Ferengi vessel under the command of civilians, a traveling bazaar full of actors and musical performers would pique the interest of anyone.

She had considered meeting her XO on Kepler, but finally she decided the sooner he knew the truth the better, and it was better he met said truth here on board Muse first before the transfer. She tapped her comm badge and put a call to Kepler.

"This is Kepler," what sounded like a young ensign replied, "Go ahead, Muse of Fire."

"This is Captain Banerjee," Aisling said, "With whom am I speaking?"

There was a pause, then, "Ensign Ferrari, Captain. I..." a pause, then, "Apologies, sir. can I help you?"

Aisling smiled to herself, "If you could put me through to Commander Fitzroy that would be fine, ensign Ferrari."

"Aye, ma'am! Sir!"

"'Ma'am' is fine, ensign."

"Yes, Ma'am!"

Ferrari grimaced. Stupid, he thought. Stupid! You sound like a silly midshipman. He touched the comm controls on his console and soon Fitroy's badge chirped.

"Ferrari on the bridge, Commander. Ah...Captain Banerjee is calling from the Muse of Fire alongside us. She wanted to speak with you..."

Commander Fitzroy was in the Holodeck. He was working on a Holo novel based on the old Earth film Krull.

The coms hail him. He ignores it as he continues his coding interface. “"Ferrari on the bridge, Commander. Ah...Captain Banerjee is calling from the Muse of Fire alongside us. She wanted to speak with you...".” he sighed “ Why isn’t the Captain on board yet?” It will be months before he can complete this with the upcoming shakedown cruise."

“I don’t know sir.” Ensign Ferrari responded in time. Ferrari was unnerved at this position he found himself in. "One moment then connect me with the Captain." Ferrari responded promptly "Aye Aye Sir"

“Computer, save file Krul 1106.” He said “Acknowledged Commander.” He looked at the scene "Pull up Star Fleet office." The Holodeck responded to him.

“Computer please produce a standard star fleet station where I can simulate access to the Database.”

The holodeck responds to Fitzroy’s commands. He pulled up Captain Banerjee’s service record before answering the Coms.

“Sorry sir, I was tending to a personal matter and I just got to my coms. I figured I wouldn’t be able to return to it once we got out of dock. How soon till you join us on board?”

"Hello, Commander!" the female voice responded as Fitzroy saw her service record, "Actually I have been on board several times, in and out as it were. Unfortunately certain matters of import have kept me more or less tethered to the Muse. In fact, one of those matters compels me to invite you to join me over here. I can explain when you arrive."

Fitzroy takes a moment and nods "Yeah. Given mission assignments, I could gather you would be. I'll be over shortly."

He looks at the Holodeck. "Computer end program"

He makes his way to the nearest transporter room.

"Ensign Meaney, beam me over to the Muse of Fire."

"Aye, sir," Ensign Meany replied with a nod. He took a moment to 'shake hands' with Muse's transporter room, then with a swipe of his hand Fitzroy was gone...

To appear in a singularly unique transporter room. The floors, ceiling and walls were all covered with what appeared to be oak paneling. Even the exterior of the transporter controls was covered in it. The transporter operator wore a simple uniform; black trousers tucked into black boots, a beige tunic. She smiled and said, "Commander Fitzroy, welcome to the Muse of Fire. If you would follow the light trail on the wall..."

The doors swooshed open, outside was a corridor that too was covered in the same paneling.

"...they should lead you to Captain Banerjee. She is on this deck so it should be a short trip."

Commander Fitzroy adjusts his uniform and takes a moment to study the ship. He wants to ask about the design aesthetics but that will come later. He follows the light until he arrives before the Captain and he gives a salute.

The room the lights led Fitzroy to appeared to be some sort of conference room. Or a cat nursery. Or both There were a dozen cats on the floor, on the chairs, on the conference table. One was idly swiping at the hologram of Kepler floating above the table.

"No," Aisling Banerjee seemed to be saying to no one in the room. Or more disturbingly, one of the cats, "I don't care. I am not a cat person, I-" she turned, smiled with something akin to relief, "Commander Fitzroy! A pleasure."

Fitzroy then offers his hand "This is the most unorthodox meeting with a new CO I've had. And I worked in Star Fleet Intelligence."

"Yes, well, strange times, and all that. Please excuse the cats. I am supposed to choose one to take with me. I-" she pointed to one reclining in a chair, "What is that one's name?"

"Pawsitive Charge," a feminine voice said from the ceiling.

"...Of course it is. Very well, I choose...Pawsitive Charge."

The rest of the cats were promptly beamed out of the room, leaving the three of them alone...

Fitzroy takes his seat "Well I grew up with a Caitian sister. You don't mind Cats. You end up negotiating with them." He has a charming grin.

"So given the mission brief and our meeting here....should I be concerned?"

Aisling considered lifting the cat out of the chair and taking it, thought better of it and took the chair beside...Pawsitive Charge. The cat promptly hopped onto the table and into Aisling's lap, then proceeded to settle in, purring audibly.

"Wonderful," Aisling noted with a sigh. To Fitzroy she said, "Well, Commander, I suppose it depends on what you mean by 'concerned'. You are, I am certain, aware of Starfleet's stance on artificial intelligences on board starships."

She touched a control panel and several holos appeared: a Constitution class vessel, the Enterprise. Captain James T. Kirk in another. A third showing a distinguished looking man. Then a fourth, a 23rd century computer bank of some sort with glowing lights.

"The M5 computer," Aisling noted, "Installed on USS Enterprise. Designed by Doctor Richard Daystrom, the idea was to have all Starfleet vessels controlled by these things, make all the decisions. The M5 malfunctioned, it could not tell a war game from a real one and proceeded to destroy on Starfleet vessel and damage others. Fortunarely Captain Kirk and his staff managed to regain control of Enterprise and diffuse the situation. This was the first major incident. The second was when Enterprise entered a, well, mysterious cloud and her computer achieved a sort of sentience. It began playing practical jokes of a steadily more malicious and dangerous nature. Fortunately by flying back through the cloud the effect was undone. And no, I am not making that up.

"Point is, these two incidents cemented Starfleet's stance on artificial intelligence. Namely that no artificial intelligence could be in any way, shape or form in control of any aspect of a Starfleet vessel for fear of the safety of her crew or other ships or life forms."

Banerjee paused, "That regulation has been strictly enforced. Until today. The Federation is facing a potential threat and there is one critical resource on hand that The Admiralty feels is needed to counter it. So, hypothetically, Commander, if such an artificial intelligence made it's home in Kepler's systems how would you react? And unfortunately yes, it is on the record.

Fitzroy laughs "Ma'am. I served in Star Fleet intelligence. We spend a lot of time focusing on grey areas. And creative framing of the rules."

He smiles at the Cat before looking back up towards the Captain. "Just how bad is this situation that we are going into? That we've been given a waiver from Command on the use of AI?"

Banerjee gave a sigh of relief, "Apologies, Commander, but I...we have been carefully choosing certain officers and crew for the Kepler based on certain...psychological criteria. We thought you might be...flexible enough to entertain the thought of working with an artificial intelligence. Elle?"

An attractive young woman with auburn hair and hazel eyes, wearing black trousers and blouse appeared at the opposite end of the table, "Paws!" she called out, "Pawspawspaws!"

The cat promptly hopped out of Aisling's lap, then hopped up and dashed across the table to the woman, who proceeded to scratch the feline behind the ears much to its delight.

"This is Elle," Aisling explained with a wry expression, "Elle loves cats. Elle, Commander Fitzroy."

"Hey," Elle noted absently, paused, then added, "Oh, the threat? Yeah, worst case, a horde of aliens is coming to this dimension to eat, well, everyone they can find," she glanced up and her expression turned sober, "And if intelligence reports are correct they are already scouting Federation, Romulan, and Klingon space."

Fitzroy smiles and turns to the Captain. "I mean....with Commander Data as a storied Starfleet officer, the restriction on AI seemed silly. I also seem to recall he had a cat he liked."

He nods to the Elle "So you're the briefer then?"

"He's taking the part about everyone getting eaten well," Elle noted. A laser dot appeared on the floor, Pawsitive leaped off the able to pounce after it."

"Yes, well, in regards to Data," Aisling noted, "You could also add Voyager's Doctor to that as well. He was modified into an 'emergency command hologram' and took control of their ship at one point. But in regards to Data he cannot travel at warp speed, create deflector shields-"

"Or fire pew-pews and boom-booms."

"Phasers and torpedoes," Aisling translated, "Well, Commander, I am relieved you are taking Elle's existence so well. Because in a few days she will have her consciousness transferred to Kepler and you will have to deal with her on a daily basis. My concern is not everyone is going to be as...accepting..."

The commander nods. "I think that should mostly be fine sir. So long as people understand the mission. Star Fleet tends to be rather pragmatic on its high minded principles. I remember taking a class on some of Kirk's interpretations of General Order 1."

Fitzroy laughs "I think we have more of a Kirkly minded people."

"Ah, well, where we might be going we might be needing more of that," Aisling murmured thoughtfully, "Chances are we might be far, far from home and far from support."

"Should I..." Elle began without looking up from the cat.

"I think I would rather have you explain everything once, Elle," the Captain turned back to Fitzroy, not certain if he was taking the threat at all seriously or he was hiding behind a facade of jocularity, "If I have any real concern it is with lieutenant Leath. His personal tragedy might make him...reticent to trust a non-organic life form. And I feel we need him. Right now he is the most experienced with Kepler's systems, the warp drives. If we lose him it could cause a setback."

Fitzroy nods and takes a heavy sigh. "Yeah...but Leath's personal career goals....tend to drive him more than his connections. He isn't strongly connected to personal relations. Ultimately it's a gamble. "

He turns to Elle "But the question I think: Is the mission worth working past it?" He turns to the Captain: How many different races, creeds, and religions have conflicts? We have had numerous people who have Klingon Culture in Star Fleet....and folks aren't getting a Batleth in the skull." He chuckles " I have faith in our engineer."

Elle glanced up, her expression sober.

"Oh yes," she murmured, "I have seen what this enemy is capable of, Commander. And I do not have 'gut instincts' the way biological life forms may have but I do think it highly probable that they might have learned a thing or two the last time they fought a Federation ship. If so they will be more wary, less arrogant."

"Which is why having the fastest ship in Starfleet will come in handy," Aisling noted. She glanced at the cat, then Elle, then Fitzroy, "Well, Commander, I am still finishing up matters here but I will be over to Kepler full time in a day or so. In the next couple days as our new staff trickles in I will insure there is a staff meeting as soon as possible. I need to know who will stay, and who will leave."

"I have one question. Are you an away mission Captain or not?" He looks at the Captain seriously. "Given the nature of the clandestine mission....its a good question to clear up." Fitzroy took a moment to size up the Captain "I will defer to your preference as much as I deem tactically sound."

Aisling brightened, "Ah, that is a good question. I-"

"She isn't."

Aisling turned back to see Elle had stopped playing with the cat. Captain and artificial intelligence locked eyes.

Finally, Elle blinked. Whether that was a programmed response to simulate human behavior or an acknowledgment of backing down was hard to say, "I...would be out of line to instruct my future Captain on how to conduct herself, But!" she added quickly before Aisling could speak, "I operate at peak efficiency when I know my Captain is on board. I...worry when my Captain is away."

Aisling hesitated, then turned back to Fitzroy, "I reluctantly concede there are others more qualified to face the physical dangers of the unknown than I. That being said, if I see a need to venture forth out of the comforting womb of my vessel," the AI's hologram gave the Captain an annoyed pout directed at the back of her head, "I shall do so."

Fitzroy smiled at Elle "Now, I definitely know I am going to like working with you." he returns his attention to the Captain "Look the big chair would be boring if you can't go out walking around. But we won't have you taking any crazy risks. I prefer all our away missions to be minimal risks. " He nods to Elle "And hopefully you can help me keep those to a minimum."

Fitzroy's comments seemed to mollify Elle. She returned to playing with her cat.

"If there is nothing else Ma'am?"

"Between us? I think we are fine for now, Commander. As for me and her," she pointed a finger over her shoulder, "That apparently will take more work."

"Not polite to point," Elle muttered.

Aisling dropped the hand and stood, "I will see you back over at Kepler soon as I am able, Captain. I am finishing my debrief with the mission experts here," she smiled, "I look forward to working with you."

Fitzroy salutes the captain and gives a polite nod to Elle.

"I need to meet with Department Heads I guess. " He waits for the Captain to dismiss him.

Aisling nodded, "It was a pleasure meeting you, Commander.

Aisling waited until Fitzroy had left the room before turning back to face Elle, who to her credit had allowed the cat to hop off the table.

"Are we going to have a problem?" Aisling inquired mildly, "Because now might be a good time to resolve it."

Elle shrugged, "I have no problem with you leaving the ship," she replied. Then added with a sly smile, "As long as you have no issue with how I greet you on your return..."

Aisling frowned pensively at that. That only caused Elle's smile to widen...


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