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Shijo Yara reports to the XO

Posted on Wed Jul 17th, 2024 @ 3:14pm by Lieutenant JG Shijo Yara & Commander Maxwell Fitzroy

839 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Crew Shakedown
Location: TBD
Timeline: 4202

Having spoken to the Captain, Yara seeks out Commander Maxwell Fitzroy, asking the computer for his location.

The Computer provides the information:

~Commander Fitzroy is currently in the Holodeck~

"Holodeck, whichever one Commander Fitzro is in" Yara says as he enters the Turbolift. "Computer, is he running a program, in which case how long till it ends, or is he simply at that location?"

The Computer gives you directions:

~Commander Fitzroy is currently programing in the Holodeck~

Upon entering the Holodeck you see Commander Fitzroy tweaking the set of some show set in late 20th century earth.

"Computer freeze program."

"Sorry to interupt Commander, I am Shijo Yara, Security Officer, just reporting in. My first call after the Captain."

"Anything I need to know? Shifts..."

"We are going to work the shifts out during Shakedown. I try to be flexible at least till I have a sense of who my crew is. You can't ask people to exceed their limits until you know who they are. So tell me about you. Not what your Personnel file says but who you are."

Yara looks uncomfortable. "Me? I'm a seasoned officer who has only transferred to Star Fleet a few years ago. But that IS in my Personnel File. I'm sure my Psych evaluation would tell you more about me than I can. I am what you see. Sorry, but this is not something that I can explain, I do not really know WHO I am, only WHAT I am."

Fitzroy laughs warmly."We are going to be following the long-standing Federation tradition of being on the edge. That we are pushing the Federation forward. There is an old human adage about the military 'When he says jump, you say how high.' Command works when I know how high you can jump. And how you figure out how high you need to go....and if I can see if you can go Higher."

Yara frowns "Hmm... Surely in many circumstances 'how high' is a redundant question, a waste of time? One will need to jump high enough, and/or far enough, to clear an obstacle. One may need to jump left, or right. Responding with the Jump that is ordered, rather than questions, is most efficient. Unless the order is unclear, which I doubt will happen. As to how high, that willl depend on gravity. As to the more nebulous question of how far one can go, one can only know when the time comes."

Yara hopes that Fittroy will not take offence at that.

Yara continues "Physically I am strong and tough, mentally I am resilient, and I have empathy. I will do what I can to not disappoint you, the Captain, or let down the crew."

Fitzroy chuckles "Its a Aphorism. Its about being ready to excel and go beyond what you think you are capable of. Doing the best before I ask it from you. That sort of thing. Human Aphorisms I know can be a bit odd."

Yara frowns, "Ah. Many of the Human phrases make little sense, directly. I understand this is not just a feature of English, but of other languages. I think not just of Earth. There are some odd Bajoran phrases... but I digress?"

Yara frowns again, worried he is frowning too much!

Fitzroy nods to him. "So, why transfer to Starfleet and leave Bajor?"

"It has long been my ambition to join Star Fleet. I thought my chance had gone, but - as you humans say - it is an ill wind that blows nobody any good. I have served throughout the Bajor system, and beyond. I intend to return to Bajor during my service, and after." Yara smiles "because it is there..."

Yara thinks for a moment.

"My heroes growing up were Sisko and Nerys, so perhaps it was written. " Fitzroy smiles at that and nods for a bit. "Now that is something you definitely wouldn't get from a personnel file. So what has been the most challenging thing for you in transitioning from the Bajoran military to Star Fleet...beyond the obvious of multiple different races?"

"Oh the Bajor system is full (as a human would say) of non-Bajorans. I have had to deal with so, so many. So that would not be high on my list. Different assumptions would be the first, and some of your tech here is a lot more advanced than what we have. Though much of ours is, thanks to Star Fleet, of older compatible design. It has been .. interesting .. but nothing too challenging."

"Of course, my view may change now I am actually assigned to a ship. It's a lot bigger than the patrol craft I am used to." Fitzroy nods. "Where do you see yourself going with Starfleet? Whats your goal? What do you want to do?"

"I'm not one of those who want to be Captain in x number of years. We can't all command a ship. My goal is to serve well, prosper, and then return home to my family.


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