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Shakedown: Engineering inspection

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 9:22pm by Commander Maxwell Fitzroy & Lieutenant Damian Leath

859 words; about a 4 minute read

Mission: Crew Shakedown
Location: Main Engineering

Commander Fitzroy makes his way down to Main Engineering.
He reviews the profile for Lt. Leath. He’s been on the ship a little bit longer than him, and knows his ways
~I went to Mars during the Academy but that was a week or two.~ Fitzroy ponders as he makes his way to Engineering.
Commander Fitzroy takes a moment to inspect engineering and the ebb and flow of the work in Engineering before approaching the Chief Engineer.

“There is a slight field variance in the antimatter wave. You should de-scale the caesium containment field,” says Damian to an Ensign before turning to see who had approached him. "You must be the new XO, welcome aboard. What can I do for you?"

Commander Fitzroy takes a moment to assess the response of those under his command to the orders before he speaks. "Well...I want to get to know you. Know how all the parts fit together so I figure out how to make the crew hum like a well-oiled machine."

"I want to adjust the power to the warp core, and see how much this new borg tech can push it." Damian motions for Fitzroy to follow him. "We can talk while I work on this" He says while approching a panel.

"If you have read my file I'm sure you are aware that I am a sociopath." Says Damian while looking the commander dead in the eyes. "Don't worry I won't throw you out an airlock. Not that I probably could anyway, you're a former intelligence officer. You'll make me disappear."

Fitzroy snorts "I did read your Psych evaluations. That however is separate from the question I came here to answer." He points to a conduit "Every piece of tech in here is like an instrument. And your conducting the song. When you're the XO its the same. Just I have to do it with people. I need to know how hard things can get pressed if we need to get pressed here. "

Fitzroy smirks "Look...not every intelligence officer makes people disappear. I've been in and out of multiple capital systems. I've been in and out of multiple government security protocols before I ever went to the academy. If I had to make someone disappear I screwed up my job."

"If you need to press here you can press hard. Keep in mind we only have a skeleton crew at the moment so while we should be able to complete any tasks your require multiply the time you would usually expect it completed in by four." Damian says before yelling across engineering "Chief Tymin, tell me the force field integrity when the warp core reaches 1300 petawatts.

Fitzroy snorts a bit at the comment. "So: Your engineering team is used to that management style?" He glances around before returning his focus to Damian "Its all engineering and science down here?"

"For the most part, its engineering but operations comes around periodically, usually to report system malfunctions." Damian grimaces "This Borg tech is efficient but it's not integrated well. A few days ago it caused the food replicators to use coolant instead of milk. Everyone is fine but it could of been a fiasco. We'll figure it out, that's the point of the shakedown. It's better this stuff happen here not in deep space."

Fitzroy sizes Damian up a bit and just nods "Alright. " He points to the engine "What can she do when we open her up? Not what the folks from Starfleet Command think it can do....what do you think it can do?"

"It can sustain warp 9.99 longer than any ship while following regulations. I can make it go faster but I don't want to get court martialed. I'll do it we really need the speed and just hope no one reports me" says Damian while eyeing Fitzroy, trying to note his reaction. "The Sagan class can also cruise at warp 8 pretty much indefinetly by rotating nacelles. Other than that it's a pretty standard ship with the exception of the borg tech. Those give improved sensors which are better than anything expect the Grissom class. We also have a pretty small deflector shield array but it's as powerful as the older models."

Fitzroy nods to him. "Alright. You keep the engines and systems humming....If you need help with management of your team I am more then willing to help mentor you. And I am willing to help you with interactions with other senior staffers. If you want help."

"I wouldn't mind, I tend to anger people fortuitously. I'm good at the engineering side of Chief Engineer but not at being a leader. I was promoted due to staff shortages from the frontier day attack, it's why I'm only a lieutenant.

"That is common around here." Fitzroy says with a grin. "I hope to work you all up to the rank you should be. I understand you've had some challenges getting to where you are. So I'm here to help with that the best I can. "

Fitzroy watches the engineering team again....making sure everything is functioning as best as it can

"Thank you Commander."


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