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Dorian Lands

Posted on Sun Jul 7th, 2024 @ 8:50pm by Captain Aisling Banerjee & Lieutenant JG Dorian Duranik

1,145 words; about a 6 minute read

Mission: Crew Shakedown
Location: Starboard Engineering
Timeline: 79461.80

The Kepler, a sturdy Sagan-class vessel, stood poised at the dock as Dorian "Duke" Duranik piloted his ramshackle craft toward its berth. The homemade ship, hastily assembled for the scavenger rally, groaned in protest against the docking clamps. Its mismatched panels and rough finish clashed starkly with the sleek lines of the Kepler, a testament to the race's improvised nature.

Duke, an Orion with olive-green skin, emerged from the cockpit with a weariness that belied his relief at finally reaching his new assignment. His participation in the scavenger rally had been a brief respite between Starfleet assignments, a chance to indulge his love for piloting and tinkering in the rough-and-tumble world of salvaged space debris.

Despite his exhaustion and a lingering injury, he managed a wry smile as he secured his vessel. Dock workers watched with a mix of curiosity and caution, noting his unconventional appearance and the unconventional ship that had brought him here.

As Duke completed the docking procedures, he took a moment to survey the Kepler before him. It was a far cry from the raucous frontier outposts and makeshift races he had grown accustomed to.

Entering the Kepler through the docking hatch, Duke felt a mixture of pride and anticipation. His new billet represented a fresh start, a chance to apply his skills in a more stable environment. Duke needed the time away. The events that the younger Star Fleet crew... Duke paused and pushed that thought back.

The ships computer detected his arrived and chimed the message to report to the captain. Duke looked down at his beat up sea bag. Should he drag his dirty laundry, tools and third place winnings with his to the captain?

"Computer locate Captain Banerjee." The computer voice gave Duke the information he needed.

*Captain Banerjee is in Starboard Engineering,* the computer replied.

After being officially cleared to be aboard Duke was able to make his way to Banerjee's destination. Starboard engineering was practically deserted, apparently everything was running on the port. Banerjee stood in the shadow of the dead warp core, examining a padd, apparently muttering to herself...

Duke knew better then to interrupt someone doing engineering work while they where muttering. He stepped to the edge of her vision and stood at a attention. Once she finishes her thought and recognizes a presence. “Ma’am, Lieutenant JG Dorian Duranik reporting.”

Aisling regarded Dorian for a moment and took in his disheveled appearance and the exhaustion in his face. She said, "You look like you could use some refreshment, lieutenant. There is a break room over here."

She led Dorian to a large alcove where there were a pair of tables. Motioning for him to sit, she stood beside the replicator.

"Chai, extra sweet," Aisling murmured. The replicator served up her drink and as she retrieved the cup she said, "What would you like, lieutenant?"

“Orion electrolytes warm, gravaberry flavored, potassium iodide 5ml.” Duke said in a dry tone. “Thank You Ma’am. If I may what are you checking on the warp core?”

Aisling did a credible job reciting Duke's order. Handing the beverage to him, she took a seat and sipped her beverage as she studied the man. She paused and gave her cup a disapproving glance as if it had wronged her.

"I have a technical issue I am discussing with my expert," she explained, "It would be quicker if we diverted power from a sole warp core (ooc: Sagans have two), but if that core went down, well..."

She smiled wryly, "Let's just say it would be unfortunate if we did not have access to the particular...device we are going to be depending upon."

"I would love to see what you are working on. Might be helpful later. Not an engineer but I tinker." Duke said with a smile. Duke did not like the taste of iodine tho it was helpful to protect some Orion organs from radiation exposure. Less shielding faster race ships.

"You will, in good time," Aisling assured him, "Once the staff is fully assembled and we are on our way." she sipped her chai, "Lieutenant, I am not certain if you are aware but I requested your assignment," this ship," she glanced up, "Is one of the fastest in Starfleet. She is well armed, well protected, But..."

She gave a slight wince, "Truth be told, I have read the reports regarding her performance at sublight speed and they are...not optimal. Our mission-once we start on our true mission-will be one of reconnaissance, potential first contact. And to get the data back home we need to be able to disengage and if necessary run like hell. But if we can't run and have to fight then I want the most skilled, unconventional pilot available at the helm. I was told by some that might be you."

Duke paused and thought, "I appreciate the request. Fight control is often a young persons assignment. We lost a great many gifted in the Events." Duke did not mention the events of the younger crew getting ... "She is a good design and the class is well named for this mission." Duke had researched Carl Segan who this class is named after.

Duke looked at the captain again. "I will squeeze the best performance of tis girl. Yes by Fleet standards I am a very unconventional pilot." Duke even chucked a touch, "Normally it is considered a poor quality, until it is needed. " Duke rubbed his leg through his uniform where the burn was itching. The scavenger race had included a little rubbing. If ships are not rubbing are you rally racing. "I do appreciate knowing you want my unconventional skills... It saves me from always trying to keep them on the down low." Duke said with a smile.

Aisling frowned with concern, "Are you injured, lieutenant?"

Duke paused, he patted himself in a few places, flexed his right hand. "Not really, flew straight here from the rally... Nothing that will kill me. Bet a half hour in medical and a stern lecture. Do Star Fleet doctors take a class in lectures? "

"It does seem that way, lieutenant," Aisling replied wryly as she stood, "Get yourself down to Sickday and then get yourself settled. We will be busy enough in the next few days before we depart. I am certain you will wish to familiarize yourself with not just the Kepler herself but all her support craft."

"Yes Ma'am," Duke said rising, "Will need to call one of my racing team to pick up the racer before we leave. Don't want somone thinking she is scrap. "

Aisling nodded as she rose as well. As Dorian departed she thought she might wish to check the hangar and see just what sort of craft a man like lieutenant Dorian might arrive in. Whatever it was, she thought, it was likely...distinctive...


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