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The Knight's End

Posted on Sun Sep 29th, 2024 @ 9:13pm by Captain Aisling Banerjee & Commander Maxwell Fitzroy & Lieutenant Commander Subak Ren & Lieutenant T’Ux

3,705 words; about a 19 minute read

Mission: Crew Shakedown
Location: Wales, Earth
Timeline: 79460.40

The Knight's End was old. Very old. Or, at least it appeared that way on the outside. It had a stone and mortar facade and wooden roof and was located in a desolate area of Wales. Although some might have said "desolate" described much of the region. The November chill of morning lent to the feeling of a gray world and the large leafless oak in front of the building did nothing to disabuse anyone of the notion that this place was lifeless. The sign over the door was done in an ancient style; it showed a man in chain mail hung by the neck from a tree with a sun peeking over the horizon below his dangling body. To T'Ux's ears he heard movement within. Despite the remoteness of the location and the early hour it appeared there was someone moving about within...

T'Ux stuck out like a sore thumb for most part. Mostly cause it was on Earth. The cat was sporting a crocheted grumpy looking tuxedo cat face on his belt as he stood outside the pub with the other two. He was wearing a coat over his civilian clothing. Even furred, he felt the slight chill. "Well there's someone inside."

Max glanced over at T'ux for a moment. He had done this before. "When you were on Earth previously didn't you go out to places? What sort of a local did you go to?"

Subak hadn't been to Earth in quite some time. Not since his Academy days, barring a few disparate occasions. Even then, he'd never been to Wales. The half-Bajoran glanced around as they made their way through the streets toward the pub. He had put on a casual Bajoran outfit for the mission, though his comm badge was still affixed in a discreet location. How many weapons were also stowed about his person? That was for him to know. He made a quick look through the boughs of the tree outside – some security division habits never fade – and then turned to glance toward the building's windows. "Possibly a milk bar," Ren suggested with a grin. "Perhaps we should head inside, see if we can't get something to push back the chill."

T'Ux shook his head. "Not much unless necessary. Socialisation was not one of my priorities... I mostly kept to myself during my studies unless necessary or volunteered for additional duties... I went a couple of times, until I figured out that my peers were using me more for entertainment rather than developing any sincere form of friendship... I will follow your lead least there's anything surprising inside. I'm not sure why a doctor is needed for this, but I brought my kit."

Fitzroy smiles "Heck I was playing in a band. So I was able to go into all sorts of locals. When I went out to drink I used to go to the No Name Bar." he pats Subak and T'Ux on the back " I've done this sort of thing several dozen times. We're fine."

Ren could never have guessed that the good doctor wasn't much of a party animal. Well, perhaps he could. "One of the first places I like to stop on an unfamiliar planet is a local bar," he says. "You get a good sense of the people." He heads up to the door and grasps the handle to open it. "Some of them are hives of scum and villainy, but even then they can be a good time." Subak is completely unfamiliar with twentieth-century human entertainment, so he would be completely unaware if he'd just made a reference.

The door was unlocked and within they found a small alcove set up to blunt any chill wind from outside. Once in the pub's proper interior they found it warmly lit. Oak beams were above and firm wooden floors below. There was an open area with small tables along with chairs but along the walls were secluded booths. Those ares of the walls without windows held numerous old photos in what must have been specially sealed frames to preserve them, they appeared to be of people over the centuries, possibly owners or just popular patrons.

MV5BNzgzOTA3MDA4M15BMl5BanBnXkFtZTgwNjkwODEwMTE@._V1_FMjpg_UY720_.jpg A man stood behind the bar, he looked to be well into his seventies with receding air. He wore a white shirt with the sleeves already rolled up and a black vest and was busy cleaning glasses. He regarded the three, then smiled.

"A Vulcan, a human and a Caitian walk into a bar," he chuckled as he set down the glass he had been cleaning. He had a distinctive rural accent, "What brings this well traveled trio to my humble establishment in the middle of nowhere? Want a spot of breakfast? The replicators have quite the selection."

T’Ux blinked a little when Fitzroy patted him on the back. “Both your expertise then,” he said with a chuckle as he followed them into the bar. He did seem interested to be fair, just that he had the whole social situation down differently.

A glance was given at the old man and he’d nod his head at him. “Anything with fish?” He always did have a preference.

"Cockles, then," the proprietor replied, "Just the thing for breakfast."

Fitzroy speaks up to the bartender "What sort of a – Full English – do you do? I've not had an authentic enough full English in years." Fitzroy sizes the man up and checks the room....He's run ops in many places like this and wants to see if anyone else is here hunting for the information.

"Full English?" the man inquired with a smile, "Brave man."

Ren has heard more than one Human joke, so he recognizes the stereotypical set-up to a punch line. "I'll have whatever he's having," Ren says nonchalantly, nodding toward Fitzroy. "That would seem the most logical choice." Subak also takes in the general appearance of the man, whom he presumes to be the proprietor, and observes what he can while seeming casual. He also notes the location of corners in the room, things that would block visibility from certain angles, and other factors that might come into play if things turn out to be not quite so easy as imagined. "As I recall, humans from this region are fond of multiple types of alcoholic beverages?"

"Two English, then," the proprietor replied and proceeded to busy himself with the replicator hidden by the bar. He replied to Subak, "Oh, I think it can be argued humans across the planet have their preferences. The Russians enjoy their vodka, the Japanese saki. Everyone enjoys beer, warm or cold. Here is Wales we do produce a tasty cider. What would you gentlemen like to drink with your breakfasts? Tea? Coffee?"

T'Ux wasn't sure what cockles were. "All right... and tea for me please," the feline said as he glanced around the place. "Its a nice place of sorts. Bit far from a lot of amenities like a hospital, but with technology its not too difficult to get transported to one," he added conversationally. He still wondered why a doctor was needed.

"It is true," the publican admitted, "We are in a comparatively remote place. We mostly get tourists who visit the nearby castle ruins, local farmers. We get a fair trade of hikers who for some damnable reason want to actually walk through Wales on a search for places that aren't gray and lonely," he smiled, "There are; we just don't like to let anyone know where they are."

He served up the meals. The "full English" was truly something to behold and the cockles actually smelled quite good. The publican waited until everyone had begun eating before pulling up a chair and taking a seat. Crossing his legs, he regarded the three, then said, "Now, unless there was a transporter accident that left you stranded here I am guessing you had some purpose in visiting The Knight's End. May I ask what it is or are you meeting someone here and it is none of my business?"

Fitzroy turns to T'ux to allow him to speak up. He's the one who was given the order to try to get the person with the information. "You know, you live in a country with mists, hills, and dales. " Fitzroy grins "Its a good place to meet people if you want to go to an out of the way place."

"It seemed a relaxing place to visit; I heard the weather here was most sunny and pleasant," adds Ren, with a completely straight face. Go ahead, accuse the half-Vulcan of being sarcastic. He digs into his breakfast, presuming that if there is poison, the good doctor can tend to him appropriately.

WHY DID THE XO HAVE TO GET THE INTROVERT TO TALK?! The feline's tail twitched mildly in irritation as he caught the XO's eye. He would pick up a bit of the cockles to sniff at it. "Well truthfully, someone named Elle sent us, saying there was a need for a doctor here," he said keeping his guard up somewhat as he dropped Elle's name.

The publican had an excellent poker face but anyone who played the game with any amount of skill saw something there: recognition.

"Ah," he said with a slight nod, "Well, I was wondering if someone was going to show up in my life time or if I was going to have to hand the job off to my grandson. He helps out here and believe me, he has had his fair share of questions about what we keep in the cellar. Swearing him to secrecy was no mean feat."

He stood slowly, "Finish your breakfast, and I will take you down."

Ren raises an eyebrow at the elderly human's words. He does not appear to be in any hurry as he dutifully consumes his meal. If anyone present still thought he might hold to Vulcan vegetarianism, that misapprehension would be thoroughly dispelled. He glances around now and then, still casually checking to see if there might be anyone present he hadn't noticed at first – the old man's grandson, for example – and who might suddenly surprise them.

T’Ux listened quietly and nodded his head. His ears would usually alert him of things if needed and truthfully he was a trusting individual unless proven otherwise.

Fitzroy smiles and nods to the Publican "Rightly so." he looks between Ren and T'ux " I was going to jump in if one of you hadn't said it."

He smiled at the Publican "The Full English is most excellent here." He sizes up the old man for a moment. "What did you do before you had this place?"

"I was a petty officer," the man replied, "First class. I suppose I could have made chief if I stayed longer but, well..." he grimaced, "that last cruise was, for lack of a better word, a horror show. Thing is, many of us who had served under that captain on the first tour thought she was lucky, you know? That first mission we were all cast offs and misfits, being sent back on a damaged ship for reassignment, the captain not even a captain, just a first officer on detached assignment. So when the Lionheart was decommissioned-used for target practice in the end-and the new one left the dock all of us signed up."

He sighed and smiled sadly, "And so when we got back from that hellish tour I quit and found the quietest spot in the universe. Turns out it was my grandfather's pub. But you can walk away from your past and it has a way of finding you, sooner or later..."

"Being an NCO is honorable work." Fitzroy smiles. "And you came back. You brought stuff back that will help. We're glad to take the load from you."

The man chuckled, "Oh, I supposed we gathered valuable information, but..." he paused, eyebrows lifting, "Oh, do you mean what is down in the cellar?" he chuckled, "I would rather call it 'dead weight' but Elle inherited her sentimentality from her 'Mother'. But you are welcome to it, believe me."

The publican rose slowly and made his way to the bar, he stepped around it and was gone from view but soon was heard the release of a latch. The could see a large trap door had been opened."

"I hope one of you knows how to operate this thing because damned if I can remember," he called out as it sounded as if he were making his way down a set of wooden stairs...

T’Ux finished the food and he’d listen quietly… before looking at the other two. He had nothing much to say, but that was his introverted nature, preferring Fitz to handle it anyway. Dude was the higher ranking fellow. The Caitian would follow them… behind the other two anyway once they got up.

Ren listens to the old man's story, gradually piecing together bits that fit with what he already knows. When the old man mentions the Lionheart, the half-Vulcan nods. When it seems like it's time to get up and follow their host down to the cellar, Subak shoves the last bit of breakfast in his mouth, washes it down with a drink, wipes his mouth with a napkin, and rises to his feet. "I'll bring up the rear," he says, both because he's still trying to watch out for any security risks and so that T'Ux can't be the one to go last.

Fitz takes the lead as the other two as we follow the Barkeep. " So for your first intelligence op I am going to give you a 6/10. But I am pretty sure that we won't have to take points off on the way out."

Fitz turns to T'ux "What was the mission you were assigned?"

T'Ux would shrug a little. "Show up here as a doctor. Elle didn't want to give up more information than that."

The cellar was normal for a pub in that there were barrels hooked to taps above, various perishables such as chips...

And a transporter. With its own power supply. And the transporter was on. And judging by the quiet sounds, it was in some state of muted activity.

"And here we are!" the publican said, waving to the transporter, "A bit...melodramatic, but the person who came up with this apparently has this theatrical flair that lesser minds such as my own cannot possibly grasp."

The Caitian studied the transporter. Buffer patterns. "Is there someone inside there?" he asked. That would explain why a doctor would be needed.

Fitzroy looks at Ren "I...I recall reading something about this in the Academy. Commodore Laforge wrote something about keeping someone alive in a transporter pattern." He looks at Ren. "How long ago did you do Transporter Work?"

Ren crosses his arms as he inspects the transporter's display panel. "I've done my fair share of shifts in the transporter room," he replies to Fitzroy. "But once I started moving up in Ops, and then Security, that usually got assigned to the Engineering personnel." He looks down at the console and, unless someone stops him, inspects the buffer log to see what's in there. "Using the pattern buffer...convenient way to keep someone hidden, or alive. I also recall reading about a Doctor doing something similar for a sick patient. So, the question is, who's in there waiting to be let out?"

Ren sees that the re-materialization subroutine has been disabled. Also the phase inducers are connected to the emitter array and the overrides have been completely disabled. The pattern buffer has been locked into a continuous diagnostics cycle. And there is a pattern in the buffer. The signal degradation is negligible.

T'Ux frowned some as he listened and pulled up his PADD to quickly glance at case study notes while Ren and Fitzroy worked on the transporter. Best read up what he could while waiting for them to sort out the technical aspects, then it'll be his turn. It wasn't unheard of but rare enough that he wasn't sure what would be expected... "If there is someone badly injured in there, I may not have the equipment available," he cautioned. "I do have what I need for the field, but anything more complex would need a biobed... and we best transport them out if needed."

"You are taking lead on this Op" Fitzroy says to T'Ux. I turn to Ren and T'Ux: "So we pull them out now and then beam them back to the shuttle craft?"

T'Ux gave the XO a slight side eye. "If we can, or the nearest medical facility if needed," he said checking that his comm badge was working. "That very much depends on how injured the person is. Ready whenever."

Fitzroy nods and checks on the Operations officer "Sounds like we have a plan here."

Fitzroy grins to the bar operator "We'll do our best to tend to your charge"

Subak raises one of his Vulcan brows as he looks at the display panel. "There's definitely something – or someone – in there," he says, "and great pains have been taken to keep it in there. Signal degradation minimal, so it's still intact. Should just be a matter of initializing re-materialization, but first I'll have to look for any failsafe mechanisms that I'd need to disable first." For all Ren knows, the thing might be rigged to explode upon activation.

A quick check showed no booby traps or illicit tampering other than what had already been done to the machine to produce this current state. Satisfied that it's safe, the Vulcan-Bajoran cancels the diagnostics cycle, re-enables the re-materialization process, and fires it up.

The transporter activated, and a man appeared. He was clad in black boots, trousers, and a tunic, and he looked well past ninety years of age, with his short thinning white hair and lined face. His eyes, cold blue, regarded the four, scanning them.

Then he smiled and stepped off the pad, "Publican, a pint of the dark stuff, if you please, and I don't care what time of day it is."

Said publican rolled his eyes and made for the stairs.

As the transporter releases its resident from his pattern buffer cell, Ren prepares for, well, anything. After all, anything could be a trap. Granted, he doesn't think the Captain would have sent them anywhere that was likely to be a trap without advance warning, but some reflexes never die. Living through the Cardassian occupation of Bajor was good for instilling a healthy dose of paranoia and watchfulness. He raises an eyebrow, when the ancient-seeming man steps off the platform and orders a drink, then looks to his commanding officer and to the Doctor.

The man spoke with an English accent, he gave Subak a polite nod, and said to him, "Thank you for keeping all my bits and pieces where they belong."

Lt. Commander Ren nodded in return. "Peace and long life," he said as a greeting, though someone not listening to his translator might note he spoke it in Bajoran rather than Vulcan. "I'm sure you'll find nothing has been misplaced."

The old man eyed T'Ux in his civilian attire curiously, then turned to Fitzroy.

"The name is Jones. S. V. Jones," he said. "Are you her captain or the executive officer?"

Fitzroy offered his hand to S. V. "First officer," he replied. "You know the rules. Captains aren't allowed to have this much fun."

Jones shook it, saying, "I was not certain things had remained the same. I am guessing from your uniforms it has been some time since I went in," he regarded said uniforms a moment, "Well, not an improvement."

T'Ux blinked at the man. "I am a Caitian sir... and the attending physician on site. If you'd allow me to check your vitals,"

Jones sighed, "Well, it has probably been well over a decade since I had a physical, so do your worst," he glanced between the three, "So, if Elle sent you that means she is on a Starfleet vessel again. Tell me, does it have a bar?" He smiled. "If not," he added, "it soon will..."

T'Ux would start scanning the man, reading the output on his PADD. Judging from his demeanour though, the other should be fine. "It does have multiple bars although those are welded into the hull to my knowledge." It would only click a couple of seconds later Jones meant a drinking bar. "All's looking good," he said (assuming all was good).

"So" Fitzroy looks at Jones "Are you ready to come onto the ship?" I turn to Ren trying to assess what he thinks before turning to Jones. "We need you as a mission specialist as well."

"Oh, certainly," the man replied as he slowly stretched. There was an audible pop from somewhere in his spine. T'Us registered a host of old injuries sustained probably mostly in the first half of his long, long life. Even a life time of the most advanced medical technology known to Federation science could not entirely erase the toll all that trauma had taken on him.

"So," Jones said, "Which enemy is it that we are facing? Elle assumed it was the Black Tide, but I am guessing it is probably the other guys. I think-"

There was a crash from the pub above, the publican literally dove down the stairs, a glass of the dark stuff in his hand. From where Ren stood he saw the flash of a phaser from above.

T'Ux saw the publican's shoulder was broken, by some miracle the man had barely let a drop of the drink in his hand spill to the floor. Jones said, "There is a phaser rifle mounted under the console," he reached behind him and a pair of small phasers were in his hands.

"I'm guessing it was the other guys after all," he murmured...


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